Thursday, July 23, 2009

Good Ol' Times (phase 1)

"Eventually, I tend to Disregard^^Each time I argue with a Retard"

Yet, Another Sunny day, and still Excessive Routine are killing my brain cells and eating my conscience alive, Leaving you feeling as a rusty Robot at the end of the day. I always feel sick how some people, or most people act around me, not because they treated be bad, but because they are just the way you hate them to be, in my working environment, they ask about promotions. They are always questioning any of the designees around them, spreading rumors , and above all that, stalling all the work and trying to perform conspiracies amongst each other. This is not healthy as I try all my best to avoid those arguments and do my job and head home. Work is not the same anymore.

We used to be united, so workaholic and most importantly, A Family, something rare to see in any institutions' environments. I used to perform extra hours on purpose just to hang out with my friends, chatting and throwing all those jokes constantly. Even in national holidays, I was volunteering to work at those days just to be in my 3rd home (after my real home and the college). In Ramadan Specifically, I was enjoying my time the most, as we eat our Futoor there with the rest of the team. There were no distinctions between Senior or Newcomer, Team Leader or an agent, or even the manager with the rest of the crew. I can feel free to express any of my thoughts publicly, I would never conceal, why would I do that?!.

Well, at least, that what it was look like back then, I can't imagine that the same place I`m in now was something amazing. They all pointed out that the lack of supervisory awareness is the reason behind this, and I doubt that really, for that strange atmosphere could occur in any supervision, something irrelevant to what manager was in charge. I feel the place is Toxic. Now the main keywords of our institutions is (EMBRACE CHANGE, TERMINATION, RESIGNATION, LOBBIES, CONSPIRACIES, WARNING LETTER, DISCIPLINARY ACTION) and the negative list goes on.

I need to change that, but the questions are; From where should I start? Will I be able to change? Will there be anybody interested in lending me a hand? What actions am I permitted to perform? Someone might say: if you don't like something, Change it. If you cant change it, learn how to get used to it. I hope that's not the case here, to be silenced and force myself either out or surrendered.

Old is Gold, that is how the cliche goes. and whatever changes there will be, nothing will be like the old times, there are numerous incidents that I will never forget for the rest of my life.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

First Love....

"Could I ask for a Kiss?^Or would it be a Taboo^^Is it the way I dress^Is it just my Hair-do?"

Nothing's like the First Love. It makes you wonder sometimes what are the ingredients to make such a taste in your soul. A love that is Irreplacable, one can witness that kind of feeling once, and lasts forever, entertaining every moment of someone's life. Some individuals can't value the privilege of the First Love, and ending up remorsing every single moment he/she wastes running away from that virtual heaven. Love can create a unique Chemistry in somebody's life. It can reignite ambitions, indulge in wonderful memories, it can modify one's perspective towards life.

For my case, it was writing poetry, one of many effects that correspond to the first love I experienced. I was exposed to many new adventures in my life, but I've never got the lesson straight after. The turning point came after that Hurricane of emotions, that Typhoon of intimacy, that Fountain of love. Every obstacle was just a piece of cake, every hardship was merely a homework, and every challenge was a matter of a routine. It appeared to me that I was having that Aura surrounding me to protect me from every negative idea.

It is so shocking, however, that almost every first love ended with one-sided love. Something that would start me from zero, or maybe less. Being in that situation brings misery upon misery. One can no more distinguish the priorities of his/her life. Self esteem is no longer the same. It is something I hate to talk about, but as this is the circle of life, no one can deny that this is the worst feeling ever.

There are some details that I can recall once I was addicted to her. They are not fractions or flashbacks, but I can definitely describe each moment according to my feelings. It is surprising that most incidents in my life began to correspond to those memories, as they are bringing them back and reviving all those emotions inside of me, some words, some places are only remembered for their significance and that they were witnessing my Love.

There is nothing like the first love, in every aspect, even if you hate yourself for being there, at that disposition, you can't throw that love away, it is imprinted on your short-term and long-term memory, it is forever eternal in your soul. Either you live with it, or trying to live avoiding it, it is something that can't be repeated.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

To Begin With...

"I'm not a Brother^She's not my niece^^Cliffs of Dover?^Ain't my Masterpiece"

Hello all, and welcome to my blog, I'd like to reiterate how hesitant I was when I decide to do a blog. I mean "How Silly is That?", having a place to write what is so Private and so Sincere to a public page, and who knows who sees it and what are the Reactions?!

But then, that one day, I had that one conversation with 2 people, i don't know them, I really have doubts if they know me either. We chit-chatted for a while.I can't recall being Obscure or Overprotected, not to mention how weird when my friend came in and went on to say (do you know those people?) and I said (Never met them before!). This kind of Rapport was so unique and strange, and it was so much of a relief.

I myself am an introverted person. I used to shy away from any conversation, and by (any) i mean every single conversation occurred. It's just a habit or a bad habit I acquire, but then, I realized that some are talking to prove a point, some are talking to refute, and Some are talking for the sake of it. The nature of the Human being is being social and assure their presence.

I believe that every human being deserve an Autobiography of his/her own. Some small details of their lives can conquer Fortresses and build Pyramids. I Strongly believe in the Power of Word. I have seen some scenes from (The Godfather), not a big fan of this movie, but i can understand why people are so interested in that movie, and the reason is that if they were in Tom Hagan's Shoes, or Mike or even Sonny Corleone, they would've listen to what Vito tell them to do, and they would trade lives with Mike Corleone to taste what it looks like to be a Godfather, or in other words (the one with the Louder Voice and the Stronger Word).

I hope I can produce the best of a Blog, for my sake to speak out, and for the reader's sake to enjoy every single post of this blog.

Thanks in Advance...